432 tuning
432 tuning
Posted on 01/03/2019
Having spent a life time in the business of composing and playing songs, I’m only just coming into clarity of what my passion really is about. Of course it’s music performance. That’s a no-brainer but I’m beginning to realise that music affects more than just the brain! I’ve discovered that by applying my own emotion to a song and delivering it in a subtly powerful tuning system, the healing effect on the listener can be nothing short of profound!
Have you heard about 432 tuning?
By tuning an instrument a fraction lower than the 440Hz Standard, the music takes on a resonance that is hugely more pleasing to ear and body alike. Its a whole other story to realise that the Rothschild-led committee on Tuning Standards managed to select the one which is least conducive to resonating with the human body. Strange that they should get it so wrong, unless of course that was the original intention, as we are now finding it must have been!!
I’m so excited that the songs I have written and played in 432Hz tuning have already had a proveably profound healing effect. The combination of intention to heal, relevant lyrics, performance empathy and 432 tuning make a powerful combination that results in a lasting emotional uplift. If you’ve studied what happens when we hold onto negative emotion, you will know that it negatively affects our innate manifesting capability. This means, not only do we feel better, but, magically, better things that we want, start coming into our lives.
If you’ve not heard of this before, it may seem a tall story, but the acid test is whether it works for you. If it does, then there’s your answer. I already know that it works, which is why I’ve made it my passion. I will be making such tracks available soon and I am keen to have them easily accessible and affordable, In fact for less than a cup of coffee!
432 con leche please!